This List of DNS record types

     The Records or Information held by Primary zone, Secondary zone and Stub zone are of various types. Some of the commonly-used record types are :

Alias (CNAME) :

    Refers to domain name aliases, that is , creating an alternate record or DNS name for the name already specified as another type in a particular zone. It is normally found with computers on the Internet perform multiple tasks, such as Web server and Chat server. Under such a situation, the CNAME records may be used to specify multiple names to a single computer.

Host (A or AAAA records) :

    Resolves an IP address to a device. The host records are essential only for the computers sharing resources on network. A records are used for IPv4 and AAAA records are used for IPv6.

Mail Exchange (MX) :

    Identifies mail server and routes the email messages to the specific domain. for .Example,while sending an email to, your mail server first looks the MX record for to locate the mail server that handles the mail messages for .The mail server further looks the host (A) records to connect to specific IP address.

Pointer (PTR) :

     Used to add the reverse lookup capabilities within a specific domain namespace. For example, a lookup for the domain name for IP address is done through the query of the PTR record in the 0.168.192 form.

Service location (SRV):

    Specifies the location of a TCP/IP service.The SRV records are also used to specify  a specific port for a particular service. For example, a Web server service may be running on a specific port 9090 instead of 80.
