Types of Security Attacks on Network
Security attacks break the security barrier of the network and access the network resources . There are two types of security attacks carried on a network. Passive Attack - Defines an attack where an attacker just monitors the network. The attackers aim is not to alter the traffic but to just monitor what information is being transmitted over a network. This compromises the confidentiality of the data being transmitted. At any moment , the attacker can capture the traffic. Types of Security Attacks on Network Active Attack - Defines an attack in which an attacker causes damage to the data being transmitted over a network. The attacker deletes , adds or alters information that is being transmitted over the network. The purpose of security attacks is to violate the protection over the network and to access the network traffic and resources. The other types of attacks that are carried over a network are as follows: Denial of Service (DOS) - Defines the most o...