
Showing posts from October, 2013

Basic Guidance on Swap Space Sizing on Redhat

       Swap space or a swap area is space on the disk drive used as overflow for parts of memory that are not currently being used. This allows the system to make room in main memory fr data currently beginning processed, and provides emergency overflow if the system is at risk of running out of space in main memory. SYSTEM RAM and Recommended Minimum Swap Space Up to 4 GB            : at least 2 GB 4 GB - 16 GB         : at least 4 GB 16 GB –  64 GB    : at least 8 GB 64 GB – 256 GB   :  at least 16 GB Creating and Using an Additional Swap Partition - Create a new partition using fdisk . Additionally, change the partition type to “ 0*82 Linux Swap” before saving changes with fdisk. - mkswap /dev/vdaN  will prepare the partition for use as a swap area. - blkid  /dev/vdan will determine the ...

VIM commands - Server Admin must always remember

           VIM  ( vi improved) is a powerful text editor which is more sophisticated than gedit . Also , unlike gedit, you can always expect vim to be available in any Linux system.The vim editor supports  sophisticated text manipulation which are very useful for system administration. In fact, if you are familiar with the vi utility, you will find that vim includes vi features, plus many other features such as split screen editing , color formatting of known file types, and text highlighting for copying and changing text , to name a few. VIM Operations : - Open a file  -> vim filename - Insert mode  -> i - Return to command mode  -> Esc - To save the file -> w -  To save and quit  -> wq - Quit , abandoning changes (from ex mode)  -> q! - Undo changes  -> u - Quit file  -> q - Set the line number  ->: set nu - Unset the line number  -> ...