How to hide folder with command prompt in windows
Yes, you can hide folder with cmd just you have to run a single line command in windows. Have you ever hesitated to give your laptop to someone just because you have some folders where you have kept your personal images or whatever. You donāt have to hesitate any more. we can hide any folder without installing any third party software on your machine. lets say you have folder called Personal under D drive. perform the below step which will make hidden in the disk also you wont get the result when you search anywhere on the pc. Press windowkey+R: Run command dialogue box appears. Now type "cmd" and hit enter. A command prompt window displays. Now type "attrib +s +h D:\Personal" and hit enter. The folder "Personal" will be hidden now. (To view this folder again, use the same command but replace '+' with '-' on both flags 's' and 'h') Also read : Tips to create super stron...