
How to hide folder with command prompt in windows

Yes, you can hide folder with cmd just you have to run a single line command in windows. Have you ever hesitated to give your laptop to someone just because you have some folders where you have kept your personal images or whatever. You donā€™t have to hesitate any more. we can hide any folder without installing any third party software on your machine. lets say you have folder called Personal under D drive. perform the below step which will make hidden in the disk also you wont get the result when you search anywhere on the pc.     Press windowkey+R: Run command dialogue box appears.     Now type "cmd" and hit enter. A command prompt window displays.     Now type "attrib +s +h D:\Personal" and hit enter.     The folder "Personal" will be hidden now.     (To view this folder again, use the same command but replace '+' with '-' on both flags 's' and 'h') Also read : Tips to create super stron...

What to do when twitter locks your account

Twitter does some crazy things when we forget our login password. So, let's have a look into what to do when you twitter locks your account.. What to do when twitter locks your account It locks user account if tried too many failed password attempts for 30 minutes or in some cases 1hr too.  Twitter does not want to provide access to the hackers to crack passwords, so it temporarily disable the user account for security reason. At some time point of time you may remember password after many attempts. Try login with the password if it is still not allowing to access your account you need to check any third party apps such as Hoot suite. In some cases these apps will contact again and again to twitter account which can also be a problem that you are not able to login to your account. Letā€™s say you really forgot your password, it is not at all coming to your mind, twitter has an option called reset password. Click on that and request for a new password from twitter...

How to share a folder / shared folder in windows server using windows PowerShell with example

Quite easy, with a one-liner. Windows Server 2012 provides Windows PowerShell cmdlets and WMI objects to manage SMB file servers and SMB file shares. The SMB cmdlets are packaged into two modules called SmbShare and SmbWitness. These modules are automatically loaded (thanks to new module auto-loading feature) whenever you refer to any of the cmdlets included. No upfront configuration is required. Note: Check the output of Get-Module command before and after you run the following one-liner to see that SmbShare module is loaded behind the scenes.) New-SmbShare ā€“Name MyShare ā€“Path C:\Test ā€“Description ā€˜Test Shared Folderā€™ ā€“FullAccess Administrator ā€“ChangeAccess DouglasAdams -ReadAccess Everyone Credit :

How to install Windows PowerShell Web Access (PSWA)

Windows PowerShell Web Access is a new feature in Windows Server 2012. It acts as a gateway, and from there you can run Windows PowerShell commands on any machines in your environment. The webpage is entirely Javascript-based, so you can access the console on almost any device with a web browser. You can install and configure PSWA for testing purposes in three easy steps: Install-WindowsFeature -Name WindowsPowerShellWebAccess ā€“Verbose Install-PswaWebApplication -UseTestCertificateAdd-PswaAuthorizationRule -UserName * -ComputerName * -ConfigurationName * # open the Windows PowerShell Web Access start-Process https:/ Credit :

How to do a schedule job using Windows Power shell with example

How to do a schedule job using Windows Power shell with example Job scheduling allows you to schedule execution of a Windows PowerShell background job for a later time. First thing you do is create a job trigger. This defines when the job will execute. Then you use the  Register-ScheduledJob cmdlet  to actually register the job on the system. In the following example, every day at 3am we back up our important files: $trigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At 3am Register-ScheduledJob -Name DailyBackup -Trigger $trigger -ScriptBlock {Copy-Item  c:\ImportantFiles d:\Backup$((Get-Date).ToFileTime()) -Recurse -Force -PassThru} Once the trigger has fired and the job has run, you can work with it the same way you do with regular background jobs: Import-Module PSScheduledJobGet-Job -Name DailyBackup | Receive-Job You can start a scheduled job manually, rather than waiting for the trigger to fire: Start-Job -DefinitionName DailyBackup Credit : http://powershell...

List of known issues with ProLiant servers and Windows 2008 R2 SP1 | Known issues and workarounds

Known issues and workarounds Lists known issues with ProLiant servers and Windows 2008 R2 SP1. Issue Details Issue 1 :  Windows 2008 R2 SP1 does not install on the HP ProLiant Servers configured with the Intel 82801FR SATA RAID Controller. Description :  While installing the OS, the SATA hard drives connected to the Intel 82801FR SATA RAID controller do not appear when selecting the drive for the OS. Solution :  Download the latest Intel 82801FR SATA RAID controller driver from the HP website and use that driver during the Windows 2008 R2 SP1 installation. To manually install the missing driver, go to Device Manager, and then select ā€œAdaptec HostRAID SCSI Processor Device.ā€ Issue 2 : Hibernation fails on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 installed on ProLiant Server. Description :  ProLiant Servers with Windows 2008 R2 SP1 installed will not hibernate. Workaround  : Microsoft will release the hot fix KB2496744 to resolve this issue.

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 key features

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 key features: Dynamic Memory in the Hyper-V role :   Efficient use of available physical memory :     Memory pool that all virtual machines can use Memory dynamically added or removed based on current workloads Tested on guest virtual machines (VMs) that run any the following OSs:                          Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 Datacenter or Enterprise edition                          Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP1 Datacenter or Enterprise edition                          Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter or Enterprise edition      ...

How to open two Skype accounts at the same time in windows

Yes it is possible.! We can run two Skype accounts on Windows machine at the same time. To do that you have to go to Start-> Run Type the below command - Do not exclude quotes and click OK If you use 32 bit operating systems: "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary 64 bit operating systems: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary Also read : Tips to create super strong passwords easely Change your password right now - Heartbleed Write one liner Batch Script to Take Your File Backup 7 Types of Dangerous Virus 2 Software to Keep Your Passwords Safe and Secure

Learning Basic VI commands and shortcuts

 It might useful for Linux beginners. Command Mode  Default mode of vim  Move by character: Arrow Keys, h, j, k, l  Move by word: w, b  Move by sentence: ), (  Move by paragraph: }, {  Jump to line x: xG  Jump to end: G Insert mode  i begins insert mode at the cursor  A append to end of line  I insert at beginning of line  o insert new a line (below)  O insert new line (above Ex Mode o :w writes (saves) the file to disk o :wq writes and quits o :q! quits, even if changes are lost Manipulating Text     change (c)     cut (d)     yank (y)     paste (p) without target     Line in Action     Line as in action     Letter l     Word w     Sentence ahead )     Sentence behind (     Paragraph above {     Paragraph...

How to use IF in bash shell script with example

If condition with sample bash script Now, you can use the if statement to test a condition. If command the general syntax is as follows: if condition then command1 command2 ... commandN fi If given condition is true than the command1, command2..commandN are executed. Otherwise script continues If the condition is true then the following commands get executed. If not the script continues with the next command.  Letā€™s have a practical example for this. Open a text editor and create the script called : #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter a password" password if test "$password" == "LinuxAdmin" then echo "Password verified." fi Save and close the file. Give executable permission to to do so type following command: chmod +x  ./ Sample Outputs: Enter a password : LinuxAdmin Password verified. Letā€™s check what if we give wrong password - Run it again: ./ Sample Output: Enter a pas...

Types of Security Attacks on Network

Security attacks break the security barrier of the network and access the network resources . There are two types of security attacks carried on a network. Passive Attack - Defines an attack where an attacker just monitors the network. The attackers aim is not to alter the traffic but to just monitor what information is being transmitted over a network. This compromises the confidentiality of the data being transmitted. At any moment , the attacker can capture the traffic. Types of Security Attacks on Network  Active Attack - Defines an attack in which an attacker causes damage to the data being transmitted over a network. The attacker deletes ,  adds or alters information that is being transmitted over the network. The purpose of security attacks is to violate the protection over the network and to access the network traffic and resources. The other types of attacks that are carried over a network are as follows: Denial of Service (DOS) - Defines the most o...

System does not start though fans are working - Troubleshoot

In some cases, you may not be able to access the drivers and the video also may not work. If the system does not start up, but the system fans work fine, it is mostly either a motherboard or CPU problem. 1 - Remove the CPU and restart it on the motherboard 2 - Check the seating of the CPU on the motherboard and ensure that is locked down 3 - Ensure that the motherboard power supply is properly connected 4 - Check all the ribbon cables to see that they are connected to the appropriate drives and are oriented properly 5 - Reset the BIOS settings to default 6 - Try the sage booting procedure with power up defaults , by referring to the motherboard manual 7 - If the system does not start up , the memory , CPU or motherboard are faulty 8 - Remove any additional memory and try starting with the minimum memory. Then swap the memory and try starting the same. if the system starts with either of the memories , then the other memory is faulty. 9 - Check all jumpers and conne...

Easy and simple keyboard shortcuts for Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes also provides various keyboard shortcuts for navigating through different interfaces. To perform navigation, Lotus Notes uses the standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys. The commonly used keyboard shortcuts for Lotus Notes: alt+B Open bookmark list alt+F5 Restore Lotus Notes to default minimized size Arrow Keys Navigate within embedded components and objects , such as buttons on home page alt+7 then Arrow Keys then Enter Move position of active window alt+8 then Arrow Keys then Enter Change size of the window alt+9 Minimize active window alt+10 Maximize active window ctrl+tab Move to next windows tab ctrl+F6 Switch between open windows alt Access menu bar F6 Move to next pane or frame Shift+alt+S Open Search menu Shift+ctrl+tab Move to previous window tab Spacebar Open selected embedded element on home pa...

How to access BIOS on different Computer manufactures

At some point of time working with different computer manufactures PC or Laptop it is unknown that how to access BIOS on the particular machine. Below are some useful info on accessing BIOS on HP,Dell,Acer,IBM,Sony,Toshiba and so on. Acer  F1,F2,Ctrl+Alt+Esc Compaq  F10 Dell 4400  F12 Dell Inspiron  F2 Dell Latitude  Fn+F1 (While booted) Dell Latitude  F2 (On boot) Dell Optiplex  Del or F2 Dell Precision  F2 HP  F1,F2 (Laptop Esc) IBM  F1 Sony VAIO  F2 Sony VAIO  F3 Toshiba  Esc

BIOS Beep Codes and Solutions

When a system is first powered on, the system runs a POST. If error are encountered during the POST, you usually see a text error message displayed on screen. Errors that occur very early in the POST may occur before the video card is initialized. These types of errors can not be displayed, so the system uses a series of beeps for communicating the error messages. the system pauses if any of the hardware connected to the system is not functioning properly. Below are AMI BIOS beep codes and Description with Solutions: 1 short beep DRAM refresh failure Clean the memory contacts and  reinstall it 2 short beep Memory parity circuit failure Clean the memory contacts and  reinstall it 3 short beep Base 64K RAM failure Clean the memory contacts and  reinstall it 4 short beep System timer failure Chcek the motherboard installation  for any loose contacts 5 short beep Processor failure ...

Set pattern lock in computer just like android

Billions of people they use Android phones most of them lock their phone with pattern lock. Why because It is just easy and user friendly.let us see how to lock your computer with pattern lock. just we need to install a free software which will enable a lock feature to your system. Eusing Maze Lock: This software is absolutely free. with the help of Eusing Maze Lock today we are going to lock our computer... Click here to download the software Set pattern lock in computer just like android Install it on your computer, once the installation completes, you will be prompted to set a pattern to lock your computer. Choose how ever you want it and do not forget it , that would be your password from now! If your friends or any stranger tries to access your computer with wrong pattern for 3 times,the software will start giving warning with siren...! :) Isn't it interesting?! So, What are you waiting for... download it and have fun.. (If you are not able to do...

Tips to create super strong passwords easely

Simplest way to create a super strong passwords for your online websites.  Tips to create super strong passwords easely A strongest password should have : -at least right characters long -should not contain your username or company name -should not be a dictionary word -should not be similar to your old password -should be mixture of Uppercase letters, lowercase letters,numbers,Symbols. Easy tip to remember your strong passwords: I love my mom - !L0veMyM0m$ I love cricket - 1L0v3Cr!ck37 If you create in this way you will be able to remember your password and also it is very much difficult to hack.

Change your password right now - Heartbleed

                 " The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet.  Change your password right now - Heartbleed SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs). " Change your passwords of :   Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google  Tumblr Flickr Linkedin Slideshare Yahoo! AOL  Hotmail Dropbox Soundcloud These are the most popular sites and applications. I'd recommend you to have stronger password for all your websites. Click here How to create a strong password.

Directories in LINUX for Beginners

Directory: /bin /bin contains the binaries which are needed to run LINUX. Directory: /boot /boot has all the files required for booting LINUX on system. Directory: /dev /dev has the devices for all the files. Directory: /etc /etc contains the configuration files of the various software. Normally no one touch this directory. - Directory: /home /home is like My Documents in Windows. This contains the username as the sub directory. - Directory: /lib /lib contains the libraries required fo r the system files. - Directory: /lost+found /lost+found contains the files which are damaged or which are not linked to any directory These damages are due to the incorrect shutdown. - Directory: /mnt This is the directory in which we mount the devices and other file systems. - Directory: /opt Here the optional softwares are installed. - Directory: /root The directory for the user root

35 Basic and Important Commands of Linux OS

When we start using Linux at least we should know the below basic commands. 1. ls -l To list  the files as well as directories those are kept in the particular working directory Syntax [root@sonaby]#ls -l 2. ls -la Same use as 'ls -l' but  this command helps to see the hidden files. Syntax  [root@sonaby]#ls -la 3. ls -li Same as 'ls -la' but it will also shows the Inode number of each and every file Syntax  [root@sonaby]#ls -li 4. ls To see only file name. Syntax  [root@sonaby]#ls 5. clear To clear the screen (short cut Ctrl+l) Syntax  [root@sonaby]#clear 6. exit To end a current session Syntax  [root@sonaby]exit 7. touch To create a new empty file Syntax  [root@sonaby]#touch 8. cd To change the working/present directory Syntax  [root@sonaby]#cd /home/test 9. cat To view the contents of a file and it is also used for creating a new file with some contents Syntax  [root@sonaby]#cat <file name> to view file contents 10. mkdir To mak...